As the 2008-2009 year comes to a close take some time to reflect on what you have learned, how you have learned, and how teaching and learning have changed at Bolton School. As 5th graders you are finishing the first leg of your formal education. You are getting ready for middle school, more freedom and more responsibility. Reflect and respond to the following.
- You have been taught BEARS, which basically helps you understand what kind of culture we want here at Bolton school. BEARS just helps you understand what is expected in every location of our school. Do you agree or disagree that BEARS helps you be part of a positive school culture? Please explain why you agree or disagree.
- Technology has become a bigger part of our school with the addition of Smart Boards, the use of blogs, and the many skills you have been taught in the computer lab. Do you like using these tools? Do they help you learn? Please explain why and how they help, or why they do not help.
- Sometimes you are asked to work by yourself, and other times we ask you to work with others as you learn. Do you prefer to learn working by yourself, or by working with a partner or in a group? Please explain why or why not.
- What has Bolton School meant to you? Is there a special teacher or person here that has helped make you successful? How have they helped you grow and learn? Please explain.
Leave your thoughts at Bolton on this blog! Your comments will be shared with Bolton teachers, and archived on this blog so you can go back later and see what you and your classmates have written! (Photo by Carf via Flickr)