As the 2008-2009 year comes to a close take some time to reflect on what you have learned, how you have learned, and how teaching and learning have changed at Bolton School. As 5th graders you are finishing the first leg of your formal education. You are getting ready for middle school, more freedom and more responsibility. Reflect and respond to the following.
- You have been taught BEARS, which basically helps you understand what kind of culture we want here at Bolton school. BEARS just helps you understand what is expected in every location of our school. Do you agree or disagree that BEARS helps you be part of a positive school culture? Please explain why you agree or disagree.
- Technology has become a bigger part of our school with the addition of Smart Boards, the use of blogs, and the many skills you have been taught in the computer lab. Do you like using these tools? Do they help you learn? Please explain why and how they help, or why they do not help.
- Sometimes you are asked to work by yourself, and other times we ask you to work with others as you learn. Do you prefer to learn working by yourself, or by working with a partner or in a group? Please explain why or why not.
- What has Bolton School meant to you? Is there a special teacher or person here that has helped make you successful? How have they helped you grow and learn? Please explain.
Leave your thoughts at Bolton on this blog! Your comments will be shared with Bolton teachers, and archived on this blog so you can go back later and see what you and your classmates have written! (Photo by Carf via Flickr)
I think Bears have helped support a positive attitude at Bolton becuase it is a good way to remind kids of the rules. It is a good thing and i would recomend keeping it at Bolton.
I am glad we have tecnology her at Bolton. It is very neat having all the smart boards and computers here, but I don't think they do Bolton any good, with the exception of helping kids who don't have tecnology availble. I think you can get the same imformation from books.
I prefere to work alone because I feel that it helps me accomplish more. You don't have to worrie about having everyone agree on one thing.
Bolton has meant so much to me. It has provided me with a great education and a positive place to grow. I've enjoyed myself at Bolton and am sad to go. a teacher that has helped me alot is Mrs.Butler Because she has helped me relized my full potential.
I agree that BEARS is good but not good because, it tells people how to act. It tells them what good behavior is. But, it doesn't make people act that way. It doesn't say that you will get in trouble if you don't show BEARS.
I think that some helps and some doesn't. I think that the thing that helps the most is the laptop lab. You can have computers in your room for everyone to use. I don't think that the smart boards helped me learn because my class doesn't have one so we hardly ever used one. I don't thin kthat the blog helps us learn because all we do is type about stuff that we already know.
I think that it is better working in pairs or groups. If you don't know something, someone else in your group might know it. Plus, two heads are better than one.
One teacher that I think has helped me grow is my Kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Jones. She was my first teacher here. She helped me start out learning at Bolton. I made lots of friends in her class. She was one of my four favorite teachers.
I agree because I see alot of people showing their bears.
2. These things help alot because they are not complicated,so even first graders can use them
3.I prefer staying with a partner because they help out alot with whatever the project is.
4.I think Mrs.butler has been the best because she teaches things through fun and games.But she can also be strict,but thats good,in my opinion strict is just a way to learn more.
To some people Bolton is jsut a school but to me it is more. I agree that B.E.A.R.S. has helped the school alot in behavior. It helps behavior and ever since they came up with BEARS, the school has been acting more positively.
I think the technology has become a bigger part of our school because with out the labtops we only had 3 computers per room and it was harder to do projects ins chool with out a portable computer. I like using these tools alot.
Sometimes i prefer to work alone but other times i work in groups. Working in groups sometimes makes 1 or 2 people do all the work and the 3rd or 4th person might just sit their and not learn. I like working in groups though because you can get the job done faster.
Bolton school has meant alot to me, there is quite a few number of teachers that have helped me become successful. Mrs. Butler is one of those teachers. She taught me the most out of all the other teachers i have had. She is a nice teacher and doesn't let you give up.
BEARS has helped alot plus specialist have been using BEARS for strikes and that's more warnign than 1 2 3. I think BEARS is a great deal for Bolton and it is fair.
I think the computers here at Bolton are great because they are safe ad school appropiate plus some schools dont even have computers because they cant afford them. So we are so lucky!!!
I do better by myself because some people like to do their way or no way and if we have atleast two people like that then there will be a huge problem and it will cause alot of drama. And i am one of those people but its not a big issued i can compromise plus if im having a bad day and i dont want to be bothered i should be by myself in stead of just going away from the gruop. i would rather participate and just do as i calm down from what ever made me mad.
bolton is a great place but i use to hate it because i had to move from my old school Ashley.I m kinda glad i moved i have experienced things i never thought of experienceing but i learned 2 lessons from it. in stead of waiting til i was he age 16_whenever. I have mt people that have helped me alot and taught more then i knew and that's the exact reason we come to school right?
I think that the B.E.A.R.S has helped alot.Kids inprove their behavour and are notactting out. So I've come to a conclution that B.E.A.R.S is a really effective system!
I think the technology has become one of our main systems of learning. With all the upgrades happening kids start geting inrested in learning how they work
and makeing them want to learn more. Technology has really helped.
I think that work ing by your self help you learn better and learn how to pererserve. Perserverance is one of trhe keys to being sucsessful. i think you sould work by your self and not in groups.
Atbolton all teacher watches out for me. But my favorite person is Ms.Ivey.She has all ways been there for me .I love Ms.Ivey
The Bears are a great set of rules that may be used for all ages. they may not be your favorite thing but we have to have somesort of rules!
The smart boards have been working out great!(computer too).
I love working in a group!You can help each other out.
Bolton has been my home!My favorite teacher is ms.Sipe!She Rocks!
i think bears was a good idea because it taught me respect and most of all self-control bears was a good thing because it controled a lot of things like drama and disrespect to teachers bears help inprove some peoples attitude from last year and thats why i like BEARS
the technology at bolton was pretty good espially the mini lab wich was the laptops the technology programs were great i liked the bloging,skype,quest atlantis and most of all photo story i hope that the future 5th graders will have the same expirence i had with the techology at bolton but newer stuff
I liked working in pairs it taught me to respect others and there ideas whene we had to work together that was the best because you had to use teamwork and to listen to others
Bolton is a great place to be and i dont want to leaveif anybody asked me where should there child go to school i would say BOLTON bolton is the best school you to ask for and this problay where i will send my kids in the future i dont want to leave my favorite teachers ms.sipe and mrs.butler the staff was great i will come back to visit when i am a litttle older
I really think BEARS is a great way to teach students to have a positive attitude. From what I see, BEARS has had a positive impact on student behavior. Smart boards, blogs, and the computer lab I think has really helped students learn better. Smart Boards make learning more interactive in my opinion. I have learned more with this kind of technology. I think working in groups is a better way tolearn teamwork. Also, if you work in a group, you might have a better chance of doing your work right.
Every teacher at this school has helped me become as smart as I am.
The one teacher who has helped me the most is Mrs.Butler. She hardly ever yells which has made my concience more sturdy. I surely will miss all the friends I've made here at bolton. I hope next year will make me feel as safe as I felt here.
I find that BEARS has helped a lot of children with following the rules because they have caught on very quickly.
Being able to use technology is a given.Not many schools have technology like we do especially our smart boards.If some children did not have computers at their house we would not be able maybe to do some projects.
I truely think that working by ourselves and working in partners are equally the same for me.When you work by yourself i think you are able to concentrate more and not on your surroundings.But when you work with a partner two brains are always better than one.[sometimes]
Bolton means a lot to me .Everyday I have been here I have smiled because Bolton makes me happy. Two teachers I could say that have helped me is Ms.Dale and Mrs.Butler.They have treated me like their own.They have taught me a lot that will get me through lifes obstacles and I thank them for that.
I agree that the bears helps with a positive school behavior. B.E.A.R.S help them with behavior issues. If u dont follow the rules than there is consequences for what you did. That is why i think bears is good.
I think it is good because the labtops are good because it helps us with project and school work. The smart boards are good because it lets kids have a turn with differnt technogly.
I work better with a group than by my self. I need help with stuff and hiw do i know it if it is right.
A person who has helped hme is Mrs.foster she was my kindergaten teacher and has helped me alot.
1.I agree that the bolton bears help the school.Because they tell what rules to fallow .And if you do good with the rules you will get rewarded.
2.I do like using the new technology.They do help me learn byI figuring out the answer and then study them with games.
3.I like working in groops so ever body can give there opinion.
4.It has been a great school to be here it has been fun this one year.
I think BEARS helps have a positive school culture because without BEARS kids would be running in the hall ,yelling at their teachers and no one would care if they got in trouble.And with BEARS kids seem to have a very positive attitude in school.Mostly because you get bear paws and the yellow bear paws that help kids have pizza parties and stuff like that.That is what I think aboutour core values, BEARS.
I think that technology in bolton is a good idea becausde some kids don't have a computer at home.And here they can work on their projects with the lab.Also we get taught how to type it might help us when we grow up and have jobs.It really helps us learn because we can go on educational web sites and learn a bunch of things.That is what I think about the tehcnology at Bolton.
I really think working in a group would be better because kids can ask for other people's opinon and they can change their mind and choose the right answer.That is what I think about working in a group.
I think Mrs.Gibbs has taught me alot she helped get accostomed to an advadced reading and math curriculum.Now I learn more about math and reading.GO MRS.GIBBS.
Well to me bears is sorta cheesy. Laugh out loud! but i guess its very useful to the little ones. All you have to say to the fifth is be nice, be respectful and have self control.
technology is a big thing at Bolton, and helps alot of people out. Especially with the labs. the labs are very recourceful when kids need to research stuff. and the smart boad, WOW thats some fancy stuff! People Can see the board much better! the technolgy is great here at bolton. I love these techno tools!
In my Opinion i like working in partners because you can listen to eachother equally. in groups everybodys yelling and know body gets any work done. thanks!
Bolton is awsome!Its so great that i have a well bred education! thank you bolton and Mrs.Cherney
has always been there for me.
I think BEARS does help us be part of a posotive school culture because they are like rules to follow. Teachers are using bears for strikes and every thing else because it is more warning then saying slow down or strike 1..2..3. People are listening more then before. that is what I think about BEARS. I think technology in bolton has improvedourlearning skills becausewe can play educational games like jepordy with science question. I also think the labtops help to reasearch in the class. I prefer working in a group because if someone doesnt get a question there group can help them. I think Mrs. butler is the most important because she helps us with our gateway.that is what I think about Bolton.
Yes I think the B.E.A.R.S. do help our school culture. I think so because if we didn't have them i think it would be alot harder for the teachers. I think that now that we have the laptops and smart boards it is alot easier to use them to learn and look stuff up for projects. Some people might not like the new stuff but i like it. I think it is better to work in groups than it is to work by yourself. If you work with a partner or group if you need help they can help you.I think that my kindergarden teacher is very special be cause she helpped me get to a good start. Hennah butler 5
I agree to bolton bears because it helped me learn self control and responsibility.I also learned what bears mean. B=be proud E=effort in everything A=a+ positive attitude R=respent and responsibility and S most important self control.
I disagree to smart boards even though its nice. I dont thint its good because when we learn we will feel like playing the smartboard so you wont be focused on your studies.
I think i should learn to work by myself because I keep asking my teacher can we have partners so my teacher gets upset and thats bad.
all my teachers from kindergarten to 5th grade were helping me learn alot because they helped me when I have trouble with math or all subjects.That is a really nice thing to do so thats why I love Bolton.
I agree with the bears because it had made me lern a lot of control for this year.the technology in this is school is good for me because the computers help me with my stuff that I need and it makes me learn more technology the smart boards are cool for me and my teacher.I like working with a partner becuase he can make me learn a new stuff and I can get along with them.What has Bolton meant to me is that it is a lot of fun and I do a lot of things in this school I have a lot of teachers right here and I dont want to leave any of them I had a lot of fun right here and I just want some of my teachers to be okay without me.
I totaly agrea beacause we now know what we need to know to surviv school and life.
I think tecnolege is a good thing for our school because we can learn in a diffrent way and you can do multupil things with teacnolige and still learn.
I think it's better to work alone then with a partner, becuse you see they can do not their partners, plus theres less drama.
I agree that BEARS helps you because it tells you that you should always be proud,have effort in every thing, have a positive attitude,be respectful and responsible,and have self control.
I do like useing the smart bords, blogs,and the great computer skills. I think that the computer skills help you learn because you learn how to type and do a lot of other fun and exiting things.
I likeworking in a group, and with a partner,but I think that I like to work by myself most of all because I learn more.
All my teachers have helped me beome successful .I think that alll my teachers have helped me become successful because they have all helped me learn very much all these yeares since kindergarten.
I agree that there sould be bears because without bears kids would be wild and won't try there best and some kids like to follow the bears rules because they get bear paws and pizza.
yes I think technolygy is good because it helps us type with out looking like me kids like geting tools like the smart boards and other tools. I like workig by myself because when I work in groups kids don't take my ideas.
Bears is better to have them because if we dindt have them the school will turn to chaos with out them.
yes because its fun and educationel and the smart boards help us learn and the computers is great for bloging.
i like working in groups and it makes work easier
Mr.Gilliam help us learn from our mistakes and hes nice.
I beleave that bears are inportants to Bolton because bears remind us of the rules in school,be proud,effort and everything,a+ attitued,respect and responsibility,and self control.It's a good thing that I recomend this school to my mom friends.
Technology is the best of school because it help me learn more things that I didn't know about. The technology is very helpful for all grades because it help them learn more about things they never knew.
I belive the bears whan because it is goood for the school. What the teacher had done for use it is good for us.
I think they need a brake. the teacher come be funny.The bears are good rule. Mrs.Sorensen made a good principal.
The smart bord is fun. Useing the computer had taech use a lot of thing. The labtop help use too. Whan we got to do a priajet we do not had to use the compuer we can use the use the labtop. It had taech use a lot of thing.
When I in my class room we can be in group but we can be laed. it is fun.
I agree because B.E.A.R.S helps people have better behavior because some people have more self control.
I am glad we have technology because we have smatboards computers because they help us learn. I prefer working with a partner because it's much easier.
Bears are sucsesful to me because I think kids dont follow them because they haventgotten used to them.Bears work for me because im used to it . I think when kids get used to them the will learn to use them better.
I like technology because it helps me learn better.The world is oozing with technology so everybody should get used to it sooner or later.
the bears is a great way too teach studets how to learn the little kids really look up to big kids becaus of bears.
I look foward to going to computer because mr.walker is cool.
It is beter to work i grops because every boady works.
This to teachers are my favorit mrs.Dale and ms.Kovacs becuse they taught me alot thoes too years and they both helped me pass the EOG.
1. I like the B,E,A,R,S because it has more controle of the school then always saying do your work you can just say thats not being proud.
2. I like that we have technology because it helps me with projects that i dont know about and need help with.
3.I like working in groups because it is better to see if you understand what your learning about.
4. It has been wonderful geting to know a lot of teachers but my favorite is Mr. Cachia because he has helped me alot.
I disagree. I think the bears don't work because people still brak the rules. Ever since we started the bears things have changed. I liked the old rules Bolton had.
I do like the tecknology.It does help me learn.Even though I do distracted sometimes.The tecknology helps learn by seeing new stuff.
I perfere to work with a partner because sometimes they might need help and they may not get the problem.
Bolton means alot to me.Bolton is like my morning home.My special teacher is Miss Ivey because she inspired me and taught how to have confondice.
I like bolton because of the way bolton people are so nice to me.The people here are so nice to me i wish bolton had a 6th grade
class. It would be so fun.
I like computer beacuse of the stuff they can do here.And i like computer because of the smart board too. On the smart board you can play games and it can be really fun.
BEARS help us to be better and to learn and to be respectful to each other.
I think it should be there for a long time so evryone can lern from
I like to work in groups because it gives me a better chance to know everybody.When we work in groups it doubles our brain knoledge so we can work twice as hard!!!!
In bolton school they give you bear bucks if you have good behaver or if you respet other and if you have self control.
In or class we have a smart board and we uset all the time.I like computer class because we play quest atlantis.
I like to work in groups becaus if i have any cuestion they can enseret.
My favorite techer is MRS.BARHAM because she is fun she is loveley and she helps me when i niret.
I agree with the Bolton Baers because the Bolton Bears also go along with uniforms because i dont like when people sag there pants and all that stupid stuff. but I also disagree because its not fair to other kids that do drees oppreriate and also if we have to where unifoem the school should pay for it because we get in trouble if we dont where them and what if we dont have the money to where uniforms.I like working in groups because you can help each other out.(wow)the smart baords have been very helpful not only to the teachers because they can save stuff on the baord but also becuase it helps the students to.Bolton has meant alot to me because of the teachers im gonna have to say that mr.walker has always been there for me because he always makes my day good nad every time he sees me he gives me a hug.
i like bolton bears because it teaches students bepround a plus postive additude effort in everthing respect and responsblity and self control.I think that teaches students how to behave.I think that bears teachers me how to behave as well to have a postive additude and respect others.
i love the teachnonlgy i have a smartboard in my classroom and it is great.we use the smartbord all the time.i also like our computers because we play a virtal world called quest atlantis we have to go on missons to save atlantis it is so fun.
I like to work by myself because i can learn on my own than to work together.i think i also can work btter and learn better when im not with a partner and i accopish way more.
Bolton means alot to me all the teachers and speaciist are great.i have learned alot from the teacher i will miss everbody kynadi
I've been taught self-control .before i came here i was full of my self.but i absolotly hate the uniforms. first of all they itch second of all we already have cothing so what the point buying it and then you wear it out.
the technology at bolton is phenominal i love the smart board it is the best way to learn
i love being into a group so i can get help when needed.
bolton is kinda like my home cause you are cared for. thank you bolton . my favorite teacher is mrs .barham i like her.
bears are something at school that I dont really care about i mean i dont think thay changed eny thing
the technology at bolton is so cool espeshely the smart bord even i cant work it that good
i love working with my frinds on stuff two heads are better than one
bolton means a lot to me iv went here sents kindergarden so its going to be wird going to anther school
I agree about the bolton bears but I also diagree about the uniforms. Because you have to buy more clothes and waste more money. why do we have to buy them we might not have enougph moneyto buy them .the bolton bears are good because they help you be good and responsible.
the technoligy is great here plus the smart boards because the teachers toaght us how to use them.
i like being in a group because its fun to work with other people.
My favorite teacher is mrs. barham because she is funnyer than the other teaher theother teachers are boring.
I think bears helped students follow the rules and think postive on what there about to do. And I hope bolton elem. stays that way.
I really like the tchnology we have been geting this year it makes it easer for the teacher to rwite and help us learn. I really like the webcast(wbbb) we hav at awer school its intresting and fun and I hope the school likes it to.
I perfer working with a partner becouse we can help each other if we have a problem answering a question. Bolton Elem. is the best school I ever been to. I learned a lot like manners. My best teacher in the school is MRS. BARHAM. She makes students understand math better and makes it look easier. shes really intreting and fun. Bolton made my life better and me smarter.
I like working in groups because of the way we work things out.working in groups are good. because if the other person in your group dont get it we can explan it to tham.
1. the bears are a grate set of rules because the bears can help student.
2. I think the technology can help you work and help you.
3. I prefere to work alone because I can control my self.
4. Mrs.Barham sometimes helps me on math because I am always having trouble.
I agree b/c even without the BEARS you steel need to act the same.The bears help me b/c i have to think just b/c im a 5th grader dosn't mean any thing!I'm steel apart of BOLTON!
I love the SMART BOARD b/c you can do so many things on it i can't even tell you what all you can do!I hope they have them in middle schools!You also can write on it with your finger!I love the people who 1st made it!The blog is also very cool b/c it helps you type in middle school!
I like to work with a partner b/c you get work done faster and you have fun with your partner sometimes!You also have to depend on your partner on if there playing around or getting there work done.So sometimes its good for your teacher to pick partner.
If it wasnt for Ms.Sipe then i wouldn't be in 5th grade by now!So i would say she is the BEST!.
BEARS help us to be better and to learn and to be respectful to each other.I think it should be there for a long time so evryone can lern from it.
The technology here made me learn alot in this school.The smartboard in my class made evrybody in my class learn more.And the smartboard is a good use.
I like it when I work in groups because I may want help from sombody.I also like to be in groups because we can help eachother.
My fourth and fifth grade teachers at Bolton help me learn in many things. They are special because they do things that help us learn.
Bears have really help me this year and ireally think that Bolton should keep it as long as they can,
and it is a good isperation to all of the children at bolton school.
the tecnology this year has been wonderful i love the new smart boards quest atlantis has taught me how to be responsible and to keep up with my self
I have alwasys loved to work in gorups, Because you might not know what to do and someone else can helpyou learn what you don't know.
so i think that we should keep on working in groups.
Bolton means sooooo much to me and i will hate to leave . One teacher that has kept me in line was Mrs. london . Mrs. london kept me in control and she always made sure that i done my best in school and in life.i have learned more than i have ever learned before at Bolton
I will really really really miss bolton the teachers the class and all the great things i done at Bolton.
I think using BEARS at school helps students remember the rules. BEARS have really helped students show they can do it.
I like working in a group because then you can see what others think of what your doing and it helps when you dont know what to do.
I think having smart boards are very helpful when it comes to math because you can use it for shapes and you can go to games for every one to play, with out having to crowd the teacher on the computer and the teachers can do more with it.
Bears are a good way to help other kids understand it might help them stay in school and learn.
Tecnology is fun insted of gust always learning abuot math ,reading but we do learn in computer lab.
Bears has many understandings so that you could always be an alsome students.
Technology at bolten has always been fun.Lreaning how to use the computers playing on the smartbord uselng the laptops.
bears have show me a lot of things they show me how to be nice to people and to treat people the way I want to be treated. BEARS also help us remember to be nice to others and help them when they did help on some thing or when they did to get some where like there class room or other places.
bears have show me alot of things they show me how to be more nice to people .To respet other how i want to be treated.I have learn alot from the bears.
Bears really help Bolton a lot more parents have been learning about our bears so they can know what we are doing here at bolton.I think that parents are telling other parents about our school so their kids can come.
Ithink the technology here help s alot on different projects and essays .They also help on information we need to know.The tecnology here also helps us learn better.
I perfer to learn new things by my self because if you are working with someone else they might do something that confuse you.
I think BEARS has helped me a lot
and has helped me reach my goal
into being a better student in this school. Ever since we have had BEARS I have made new friends
and have acomplished more. The
technology has made learning a fun experience.
bears had help me this year because they can tell how to treet your school.
the Technology had help me because we can get on different things like learning how to tipe.yes, Technology helps.
I prefer learning with other people because you can laern more thing with other then with yourself.
I don't strongly agree but I don't strongly disagree either.I believe I'm right in the middle.Because BEARS hasn't really got to me yet for the year I've been here.So I beleive it has helped,and I beleive it hasn't.
I think the SMARTBOARD helps alot.Why ? Well because now that the SMARTBOARD is here in our classroom, we've been bale to learn alot more on the enternet.It sometimes helps us on how to find stuff for our projects and school work.And yes I do like using those tools.
I think I'll prefer working with a partner or a group, because I think you learn alot more from friends and you help friends learn alot from you to.So that's why I'll prefer working with a partner or in a group.
Mrs.Garland is the teacher I think ,well personally know has helped me through the school year to reach and find my goals.She's also sweet and kind.Her and my mom worked together at fire mountain.I think that's really cool.She also knows almost my whole family. So I think that's really cool!Bolton also means alot to me.Becuase they've helped me alot .At my other school I didn't learn anything.When I came here I had my first packet of homework amd it was hard because I had never learned some of that stuff.My sister also is having trouble with her homework at times. Because we're learning alot of new things.I also like the other teachers but not as much as Mrs.Garland ang Mr.Walker.
They have taught me bears.I understand my bears. Computer is good because I learn.It help me do my project.It is better with a parter. Bolton means I had fun.I wish I could stay at Bolton.
I disagree you don't have to follow rules to be a good person you have to show that you are.
Yes I did learn new things when I came to the computer lab I learned were the keys were at betterand so has WBBB.
I would rather work by my self than with other people because if I finish early I don't feel like waiting for them.
I do have a favorite teacher here at bolton it's Misss.Sipe she's the best teacher i've had all year she's mean and I like that because if my teacher is mean I will take them more seriously.
I disagree because some people dont follow the bears and other people do with out having the bears.
I think tecnolegy helps a lot because with out Smart Boards we would have to look at a tiny screan. In Wbbb we use a lot of tecnolegy and its fun to use tecnolegy because you get stuff done faster.
I tink working with alone helps me better because sometimes with a partner you dont get the stuff you have to do done.
Mr. Gilliam teches you good from bad and he treats you like and adult and he makes us learn from our mistakes.
I agree that B.E.A.R.S has help me on my behavior it may help other kids or not but it has help me ever since they came with it.
I like technology I tink its nice to have them here at Bolton it is easy to use even a 1st gader can use it.
I perfer workng with a parner it is much easyer as working alone.
Mr gilliam has help me a lot he has help me on projects he realy means sometjing to me.
I disagree that bears have helped Bolton.Because kids are still acting up and. starting drama. but over all I belive that bolton is a great scholl. and it means alot to me.I have been taught to do my work I have also been taught all my bears we have good teachers here. yes I have learned alot during the last few months of scholl. I think that every one can pass. I realy dont like to work by my self at times becaus if you dont no it you get it wrong but witha partener you have better chance of getting somthing write. as far as tecnolgy we have lots of thing to do.i have lots of teachers i think is cool and all. but theirs only one thatI realy admire her name is miss sipe she. is an ice teacher thoughtful and very nice . at times she realy cared a bout me passing the eog last year(miss sipe)
I disagree because the bears tells us to follow them but kids don't but over all I think thay help a little bit.
I relly like them because it helps alot with our work and it relly helps us with our work.
I rather work sometime alone and other time with a group but I rather work with a group.
My favorit teacheris Mrs.Deal because she help me when I needed help.
I think bears is importante because it tells us things we have to do that are nice.If we didnt have bears students fellings will get hurt and there will be alot of fighting.
im happy we have tecnology I can do my projects in a computer.And instead of useing an overhead for morning work you can use a smart board a smart board is a neat board thatisa touch screan board.
I think working in a group is good becaus if you need help your partner is there to help you.
My favorite teacher is Ms.johns in kinder garden she taut me new words she showed me different stuff with her i learned stuff that I didnt know before.she is a very nice teacher and I thank her alot.
I personaly think that bears dont affect your attudude because they are just words and some kids really dont care.
The tecnology is good at times because they dont let us have a varity or free times
i perfere to work by my self because i accomplinmish more things
my favorite teachers are mrs hill and mrs carter also mr dokins
i personley thank that bolton haves good students and teachers and very great respondesblatey. the years i have been at bolton i have noticeed three teacher that helped me the most mr.gilliam
mrs.kovacs and mrs.hill and i really injoyed theem helping me and makeing shore im doing wat i suppose to do make shore i do my work and do my projects and helping me go to the next grade and attending to school.
the second thing i really thank that you should do something diffent then bears because kides could care lease about words but i percenty thank thats i great idea.
therd reason tecnologey yall have very good tecnologey smart boreds labtops and cumputers thats alot of great thing to use for a project are classs work.
i like working by your self because it stops alot of drama and cunfusement.
alexus gilliam5
Yes becuase we don't have that many fight becuase we are besy learning. I think that we shoud wrok in prats because it wil be funer. I like the technology that is use because we can do math. Mss.Varner is a spcial teacher to me becuaes she helpe me in reading and know I have a A
I agree, because this is the best school I've been to in 4 years.
They've help me with my typing.
I rather work alone beause I like to be alone.
Bolton means to me making lots of friends.
Yes bolton Is the best school that is my opion because this year we didn't have much fights lising to the teacher for we can larneing a lot of stuff like fraction that
will help me alot
been working alot on pots
i been working by my self like math
she help me she is a good help.
I like working by my self
I think B E A R S will help me be a LEADER. By Nahsa
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