Bolton Elementary is a wonderful school and has many wonderful students. This has been a busy year and many special things have happened this year in our classrooms and even on field trips that have created lasting memories. As you look back at your year at Bolton describe two positive things that you have done or remember. What did you do that helped make it a positive memory for you and also others here at Bolton Elementary.
Bolton is a grat school.My two gratest memoris are Eog and a fildtrip to mrs.hans cookifactory.Why the Eog is one of my memoris because I past the math and reading.Why I like Mrs.hanscookifactory because I got to eatone. alora mrs.anderson
care but others and pase the my math on the Eog. when other get hart I sare to help them. the eog was haed but I try my best.
in miss Anderson
I loved the award assembely.A lot of students got at least got one award.I just had to clap for everyone,even myself.I loved the pep rally.Everyone cheered for their teacher.We wanted our teacher to win.I couldn't imagine what I would do if I wasn't at Bolton.
Mrs.Anderson's class
when we whent to the cookie factory .it was fun because we got to tast lots of good cookies. when we had field day becase when we did the tug A war i pulled the ardest to make the other team fall.
3rd grade
andersons class
when we went to the movies annd we saw diery of a wipey kid.
and when we went to the zoo
my mommy came with us.
miss Thomasclass
At the science fair in jan we did a scince fair. I ask my mom to help me do a corolors tp se if vasleean glow in the dark i could have . won a blue ribbon if i add more concluesns and showed more stuff that cuould or couldnt glow in the dark. and if i made the best concluesen then i got the red ribbon!
4th grade
I showed positive when an earthquake happened in haiti. My class brought money to give it to haiti. I felt sorry for them so I brought pennies. My teacher took a picture of how much we brought. Sharid
Fourth grade
This year in fourth grade I went to Raleigh,NC.WE got to learn about the histor of NC. Also the whole fourth grade had a Multiplication Finals.My class came in SECOND place,Mrs. Gibbs came FIRST. RAMON MRS.CRIDER
My faverate trip was the zoo.we met a lot of animals.We saw their habitats and took picturs.My secend faverate was field day we only won one game and that was the first game we won in field day.
Mario 4th grade
My first memory this year was going to the zoo because we wathed all the animals and wathed there habits , because I went with my whole class and took picture of my friends. My second memory was going for a field trip of Raliegh museium of Science and History with all 4th grade classes. thyoes were my memory this year.
4th grade
Mrs.Crider class
My first memory this school year was going to the Zoo ,because we went to see diffrent kind of animals. My second memory this school year was when we did the Christmas play ,and I was the one who got to dance salsa.
Mrs.Crider class
when I went to the zoo I looked at the animals. I enjoyed it.I showed my bears.Also when we had field day me and my class showed are bears. we put our effort in everthing we did.
when I went to the zoo I looked at the animals. I enjoyed it.I showed my bears.Also when we had field day me and my class showed are bears. we put our effort in everthing we did.
This year I have gone to see the movie of Diay of the wimpy kid . Some of the movie parts were just really not supposed to show . But The movie was really funny and I enjoyed it . This year the field day was really fun becuase most of our classmates really enjoyed the station where you got wet. An even though we lost the tugaward game we felt proud becuase we tried our best on it .
Miss Steward's class
Fourth grade has been a lot of fun. One time we went to Raliegh. There were a lot intresting things in the museums. the most intresting to me was Black Beard. They had a model of a boat. Another time we went to the zoo. It was a lot of fun. I saw a lot of different animals that I have never seen in my life. We learned how the animals survive in cold and hot wheathers.
4 grade
First thing is was feild day it was fun for me but for other people it was not.the Second thing is the 4 last of school is get more fun than ever.Ms.Thomas is going to get married & her name is going to change her name mrs.geras!
4th grade
ms.thomas class
My year as a 4th grader was a good experiemce for me we went go see diry of a wimpy kid it was most of the nosie was me laughing hey but that me .Second fun thing was filed day we didnot win but that was ok baskeball was the hightligth of it all hanging out with my BFF Terrysha makaila cant for git Miguel .It was fun helping the rocking fouth grade teachers outand best of all earning alot of bear paw. so you got a little taste of my 4th grade year .Taleia thomas
helping mrs.brown take up the chairs. we took up 150 chairs all 8 boys piked up 38 chairs each it was fun. kickball we have so much fun in kickball we verey competetivs kids we are awsome. jomaad thomas
When we went to see diary of a wimpy kid it was so funny but i almost fell a sleep.
it was also fun when we went to the zoo. iloved all of the animals they were so cute.
ms.stewards class
This year in fourth grade I went to a movie name diary of the wimpy kid my favorite part when the kid eat the nasty cheese. when we have filde day at tug of war. Ezzuldin
One of them thing is that I got to go see a movie.It was about diry of a wimpy kid.I was rilly quiet to hear the movie.when we left we were all taking about the movie my friend were there to.It was a grate day to see a movie.a nother thing that we did well the boys in my class went to the japanes garden. and each of us pick 32 chairs there were 150 chares and the best port was in the end we ate icecreamsamwatchs.angel
My two favorite thing was when we went to the zoo and saw the amazing animal.My favorite animal was the monkey and the rhino.And my other favorite place is the movies. Because i saw a funny movie and it made me laugh hard.
Romia, Thomas
When we went to Raleigh I saw three museums. They where about the government,animals,and N.C. When we went to Diary of a wimpy kid I was surprised that the school let us go.
4th Grade
When we went to the zoo we saw all diferent colorfull animals.When we went to Raleigh i leared so much about Civl WAr.The Talet show it was so fun to just dance.Field day that was tfun too the funiest game was Tug of war i pulled so hard trying to make the other team fall.I would neaver leave this school.
4t grade
Playing kickball I can kick far but Deanthony sometime he catche's my ball but dodgeball I be off chan Adonis inSteward
My two favorite things that I liked about this year was feild day and the cookie factory. My favorite part about field day was playing tug a war .It was fun because other clases made my class mad to were our team almost won. My favorite part about the cookie factory was tasting cookies.my favorite cookie was the black berry cookie.Alya Ms.Jones 3rd grade
My favorit thing i did this year was tug of war we almost won but we did not my brothers class did
3rd grade
ms.jones class
My two favorate thing I did at school was when we went to look at diary of a wimpy kid and when we went to field day I like tug of war the most
3rd grade
Ms jones
When we went to the cookie factory we had lots of fun we taste's lots of kinds of cookies .I will never ever leave bolton we have done lots of thing's this year.I am
gone to keep being good.
3 Grade
My favroit fild trip is when we went to the nutcracker because we saw how they danced .MY other favroit fil trip is when we went to see the Dairy of the Wipy Kid when the movie finised every body cheered and claped.
3 grade
One sunny day we went to the Cookie Factory.We tasted a lot of cookies.My class was having a lot of fun.I wish we come back to the Cookie Factory.
3rd grade
When your at bolton you have lot's of fun.I went to the movie's to see Diary of a wimpy kid I laughed so hard my voice was gone.I also loved field day I loved tug of war but my class didn't win.Bolton Elementry is the best school ever.
3rd grade
One sunny morning I helped Ms.Jones with papers she had to check it was fun and alot of papers.Majesty
I help MS.CARLSON with her class telling her class about THRID GRADE. When I help MS.JONES box stuff.
Bolton has given me courage to do important things plus education and i loved camphanes and every teacher in this school every person has a kind heart and i loved all of the awesome field trips we have went on. When i go to my school wiley next year i will follow all advice that everybody here has given me bolton is great i love it here.
one of the 2 possitive that happend to me is the time we went to camp hanes it was cool and we went to the zip line and conouing.The 2nd possitive thing was meeting tons of new friends that would not make fun of me or punch me.
francisco mr.cachia
One of the thing that I remeber is camp hanes I really loved the zip lining it was so fun. The second thing I remeber is watching diray of the wimpy kid it was rally funny and cool.
The best field trip i ever had was camphanes. We did zip lineing the beast and some other fun games.I injoy the brakefast,lunch and dinner i had the best time ever.I wish i can go back there.I also met new people when we first started school there name are Johana,kaitlyn .Know we are friends and we all have fun hanging out. If i never had came to bolton i would never had met some wonderful people and awsome field trips.
Bolton has given me the courage and education i loved all the teachers and i loved bolton.Camphanes was fun we spent three days and ate great food also we went to the field trip harriet tubman and the freedom train.And camphanes was awesome i would love to ga back but for now im here at this wonderful school bolton.
Tamia mr.cachia class
one of the positive thing i did was mmeting new people and becomming friends. another positive thig is camp hanes.i made meeting new people postive by being nice and respecting them. i made camp hanes a positive expierience because i followed t
he rules and was nice to everybody. it made it positive for everyone at bolton because it showes every one how to act and it ecspecialy has an effect on littler kids because they look up to older kids. kaitlyn mr.cachia
going to the prep rally with all
all the fifth grade teacher and the fifth grade students and the part that i love mostly aboutit is
going the before all the whole fifth grade gets to the gym and iloved when we went to p.b,s that with my home teacher and a few other students. plus i loved howmy teacher helped me outif it wasnt for mrs.garland i dont know what i would do.chelsea mrs.garland
The best field trip that we had was going to camp hanes.That was the first time I'v been on with the fifth grade over night.The most fun that we had was when we went to zi[p lineing.It was scary but rely fun.The second thing that was fun was feild day.my class won the basket ball part.Now that was fun.valentyna Mr.Cachia
I remember when the fifth grade got to to camp hanes i thought that was really really fun because there was laughter while we were there but best thing was the zip- line. I also remember when we were out side and every one was talking to there friends and all the sudden a wiener dog comes out of nowhere and runs accross the field and then everyon started running because they were scared of a little dog. (Which i thought was really funny). cachia 5th grade prasyla
The best of all of the field trips I had was camphanes.Going to camphanes was fun because we had to do alot of fun activities and we also stayed there for 3days..But to go to camphanes you have to show all of your BEARS.But the good thing of all is that I enjoy going there.The other thing that I also enjoy doing in this school was the wax musuem.In the wax musuem we had to dress up as a biograpy person but I also enjoyed doing that.
Johana Mr. cachia
Bolton have gave me a education to go to the next grade and have tought every thing i need to know about math reading spanish math scince socil studes.the funnest filed trip was camp hanes be cause u get to get on the zip line and cannoeing.keyonna cachia
One i like about bolton is field day when we had our basketball shoot out.Also we only one the sho
ot out by one point.
5th grade
one of coolest things that happend to me is i whent to camp hanes.i was so glad i finily got to go "everyone was talking about camp hanes all year."the second coolest thing i did was be on the spirit team.the spirit team is a team that sets up cool and fun activeties.
Bolton is a good school.I love the field trips.I love this school because we went to Camp Hanes it is alsome.You then to work hard.Camp Hanes is the best field trip Iwent to in 5th grade.
5th grade
In field day my class tryed realy hard to win in tug a war and my class won!(barham)
barham 4th grade
I have done aLot of thing like helping people and sharing and when I went to the zoo I had fun and it took us 2 or 3 hourto get to the zoo but I still had fun with my friends
anesha sinclair.
iot of thing
I remeber when i went to the north carolina zoo.It took about an hour and an half to get there.We saw all the animals first we saw the the north carolina zoo and then we went to the africa park.
I remember when i got all A`s on my report card,it took alot of work
and focus on what and how I wanted my report card to be like.One of the best field trips I`ve been on was the Raliegh, North Carolina trip.It took about 2 and a half hours to get there.It was really fun,we went to two museums,a social
studys museum,a scince museum and the Capital. Anisa
When it was field day it was very very fun my favorite game was weather relay race because I got to dress up and race with other people.And when I went to Old- Salem I had a lot of fun too.The favorite part of the field was when I made marbles and ate cookies!
2nd grade
I have done good on feild trips
with voice volume 0.I did very good on the raliegh feild trip.
George raptis
Mrs. barham
When the 4th and 5th graders cleaned up the bolton campas. When me and my best friends met. When my best friends met we started to have fun. When I clean up the campus I feal like I am a hero. When it was the dance me and my friends had fun. It was the best dance. Brenda Mrs.Barham
This year at Bolton my favorite is the butterfly farm because ilove butterfys. Also my second favorite is field day because our class playd alot of my favorite games.
2nd grade
mrs carlson
This year in 2nd grade we have
leard how to do writing and reading. And the best part about
2nd grade is that we get to go on
alsome field trips.
mrs shelton
second grade
This year in second grade we have been on field trips,and fieid day.I likefieid day because we get pop cicles and drink water sowe want get hot.I like Mrs.Carlson because she is nice.
2nd grade
This year we had a winter dance.After all the buses left the people who wanted to go to the dance went to the cafeatira.All of us put are backpacks down and walk to the gym.Me and my friends Terrysha,Makayla and Shinesha.when the music came on we was dancing,dancing and dancing.
Lauren Mrs.Barham's Class
The two things I like about 2nd grade are when we went to Old Salem. My favorit part was when we made flap jacks. Also when we had field day my favorit part was when
we played tug of wore.
2nd grade
Mrs Carlson
This year at Bolton we had a lot of field trip. My favorite field trip was the Butterfly Farm because there were a lot of beauitful butterflies there. My other favorite thing at Bolton was Sienece Fair becuase we did a lot of cool exsperienes.
2nd grade
Two positive things I remember this year is passing the EOG,and field day even our class lost we still tried our best. I What i did that helped me make it a positive thing is knowing I tried my best.
Devin Mrs.Garland
During this school year at Bolton Elementary I can name two positive things that happened this year.One thing I can say that I'm proud of is passing the EOG.Another thing I thought was fun when we went on field trips.
One thing that I remember is when I went to Camp Hanes. And it was fun I made it positive because I put effort into everything I did\.
Another thing is when we went to see the movie Dairy of the wimpy kid.
Meysi Mrs.Garland
Two positive things that happend to me this year is I went to campanes. I never gave up when I got oon yhe zip line
A nother thing that happend is i went to pb's. i listend and followed derections
by samiyah. 5th grade mrs. garland
I study alot to meet my gol and my gol was to make a 3 or a 4 on the EOG .
I remember when I went to many filtrips like,PB'S ,skating ,and freedom train also Camp Hanes but i did'int went to camp hanes because of the money $$$.
Mrs. Garland
Went to go to the freedom train play . And went skeating this year. Because I had good behavor ths year also.
One thing that I remember is when fifth grade went to Camp Hanes.That day I had alot of fun.
Another thing that I remember is the day we had Field day.
My attitude could be one thing that mede it be fun because even though I didn't want to do much of activities I had fun.
Betsy Fifth grade Mrs.Garland
We went to camphanes witch was fun& no one gave up!!We went to the movies to see dairy of a wimpy kid no one interupted the movie, & I loved it
This year at Bolton I have had a wonderful computer lab teacher. Mrs. McMillan is the best ever. She is sooooooooo nice to everyone. I just love going to her class. She makes learning so much fun. She is making lasting wonderful memories for me and I will always remember going to her wonderful class!
Grade 4
Mrs. Gibbs
Bolton elem. is a wonderful school! We have field trips,water day,and more. When we went to play tug of war,I pulled my hardest! That might be a positive thing I helped by pulling really hard!
drade 4
Bolton elem. is a wonderful school! We have field trips,water day,and more. When we went to play tug of war,I pulled my hardest! That might be a positive thing I helped by pulling really hard!
drade 4
This year at Bolton we went to the North Carolina Zoo. It was fun seeing lots of animals. Field Day was fun too my favorite was the Tug of War.
4th Grade
I liked doing the sign-in parties. The positive thing I did was I played and my friends and they were having were having fun.Also when we went to Raliegh my mom came with me and that was alot of fun because I learned new things.I loved this school year.
Grade 4
When we had field day,I couldn't help but scream out of the amount of fun. I tried my best to win. When I went to the zoo I had a really fun time looking at the animals.The lions were biger than my desk.
grade 4
I remember when we help Haiti.I felt sad about that horrible earthquake.So I brougt all the money I had. It felt good when I brought the money.
fourth grade
This year at Bolton was a great year. I passed the eog and Believed in my self for that and that is why I passed. All of my connection teathers were the best ! Miss.Lucus was the best. We danced and did all kinds of fun stuff.This year was the best school year yet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Grade 4
This ha beeen great one of my memories was going on the field trip to raliegh. I made this apositive memorie caus I had a great time looking at all the cool stuff. Another positive memorie was when we went to the movies to see dairy of a wimpy kid.this is a positive memorie cause no teacher have had ever took me to the movies
4th grade
gibbs class
This year at Bolton we have had a very busy year. We've had such woderful teachers. The thing that have really made this year fun is taking a field trip to Raleigh and the zoo. At Raleigh we have looked at lots of cool stuff like race cars and basketball hall of fame. At the zoo we saw all kinds of cool animals like Monkeys and lions.
Grade 4
Mrs.Gibbs class
I liked the trip o the zoo most. We also took a trip to the movie theater to watch diary of a wimpy kid and a trip to the cookie factory were we got to learn about handmade cookies. But at the zoo my favorite animal was the lion, but the bad thing were they were sleep at that moment. At he cookie factory we ought some cookies before we left.
grade 4
Mrs. Gibbs
I liked it when we did the christmas program were i was a chimney sweep. It was really cool! It was fun at the cookie factory were we got to learn about handmade cookies. Then they would mail them to people. Plus we got to buy some cookies before we left.
And when we went to the zoo we got to see the gorillas. One of them was up close but a little kid scared it away with a stick.
One thing that gives me a positive memory is going to the zoo and seeing all the different animals. Another thing is going to the Capital Building and seeig North Carolina's history.The thing that I did to help me remember was listen to what was being said.
I love our field trip to the zoo. it was awsome ! I liked the flamingos. They where very pink. Two positive things i've done n Bolton are , I helped Haiti every day even though i had one dime and I always said I can.
Fourth grade
I remeber seeing Mrs.gibbs face when she said your a safety patrol.Also when Mrs.Mcmiillan taught us how to work computers.I clean around the school every Thursday.
One thing that is positive that I remember was going to the zoo and to see all the animals.Another one is going to the Capital Building. The things that helped me to remember was listen to what was being said.
4th grade
Hey Mr. Lowman im Shawanna an I have been at Bolton since Kindergaraten an every since I been hear the teachers an students were very nice an wonderful an brillant I no that you will like all the teachers an students I have a good feeling about you I think that you look like you are very nice an I no that you are very nice I am so happy that you are hear at bolton with us SHAWANNA CHEEK 5
Dear, Mr.Loman Bolton Elementary is a very good school.We go on cool feild trips.I am so glad to have you as our pricipal.We do feild day .I know we will have fun with you.
Hi princibal I am glad your here this year we are going to have a good year at BOLTON ELEMENTRY . we will show our bears and try not to go to to the office.and I hope you have a good year to.
Dear MR.Lowman-
you will love Bolton and the teachs here to and I am just going to say good luck.
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