Welcome back Bolton Bears! This promises to be another great year here at Bolton Elementary! As we begin this year it is always good to set goals and set your path to success. Spend a few minutes thinking about specific strategies that you plan on using to make this year your most successful year ever. Explain what strategies you think will make you have a successful year and then write about your goals for the future. What college would you like to attend? What career you would like to have as an adult? Dream big and remember that this year at Bolton is one step closer to the dreams you have for your future! Make it a great year!
This year i am in third grade.to be a better reader i will read alot.when i grow up i want to be a pet nurse because i love animals.i am gonna be the manager because the manager earns more money.
when i graduate from high school college i might go to Winston Salem state.
I am in third grade.I worked realy hard on my homework.I'm nervous about the EOG's.
When I graduate from high school I want to go to Duke college.it's going to be hard for me at college.
When I have a job i would be a vet.
I'm in 3 grand this yaer.I'mgoing to be a lawyar when I grow up.I'm going to go to college WF college I;m going to do all my homework and do more work.
I am going to do my best in all I do. I will do my BEARS and have a great year. I want to go to BYU Hawaii for college. I want to be a book store owner when I grow up.
i want to be a student at forsyth tech comunatiy colage ai want to be a susesful kid at bolton elementry school and i want to be a doctor when i grow up and i want to be a hair styeler and a nurse at forsyth tech at the hospital and i want to be a lot of things
miss long
work hard on the EOGS and try my best and study hard and be a great student at bolten elementry school and listin to the teacher. i want to go to wss. i want to be a singer a chgerrlider a skater and a babysiter
I am going to do my best in class and do my homework every week.I will respect my techer.When I grow up I want to go to Farsth Tech.When I grow up I what to be a techer.
I wii try my best in all i do and in eog test try to bring my homework to school do it each night do my best in class and i want to be soccer player and state universtey
i want be a great year hear at bolton elemetry school i want to go to state universtey and i want to be a nurse forsyth tech
emely miss long
I hope to be very successful in Mrs.Steward's class.The way I can is to do all my homework and listen to the teacher. My goal in life is to only sign in once for the whole year.I want to be the first lady bto be president and I want to travel the world. The college I want to go to is Duke University. I want to because their basket ball team rules! I want to be successful in my life.
I will be sucssful when i take my eogs in fourth grade. I know its going to be hard. But ill try my best on it.I would like to go to forsyth tech for college.I know that college is going to be fun.I would like to be an actress.Beacuse i want to be famuse and be on tv. i want to be famuse because it fills like its fun.
I will be successful this year! I will do my homework and always pay attention to my teacher.I want to go to Wistin salem Unidersity. When i grow up i what to be a veternaren.
this year im in the 4th grade. this year i want to be successfull. i will listen to my teacher. i will do my homework everyday. i will read alot! i want to go to collage at an acting school or acting collage. i want to be succsessful in collage. but i really do want to go to unc charrlotte where my big sister goes! when i grow up i want to be an actress or a super model or a singer or a director so i can tell people what to do or a producer so i can come up with good shows! but mostly a actress not so much a singer or a producer but i want to be an actress i really dont care i just want to be famous!
Ms. Steward
I will be successful by doing all my homehork and lisen to the teacher.I can be successful by chreating others how you wont to be chreated.I wont to go to wake forst for colleg.when I grow up I wont to be a fames soccer player.
ms sterded
This year I going to be successful by doing all my homework,listen to the teacher,dont fuss with the teacher and read alot!!The college on going to is caver or yail When i grow up i want to be a doctor,ator and a teacher.I hope I SUCCSEED in every thing I do.
Ms. Steward
I will be successful by doing all my homework and I will lisen to my teacher.I can be successful by doing all my work and i will be in collge.The collge I want to go to is living arts.I want to be when i grow up is an actter.
In Mrs.stwerd
This is fourth grade. I am going to be successful year. I am going to do all my homework. I will read a books. I will lisson to mrs.steward. I will pass the eog and eoq.I want to go to haverd unniverstiy. I want to be a docter.
This year i am going to have a succesful student. I will do all my homework and listen to the teather. When i grow up i want to go to Wake Forest and be a docter.
Nevaeh,Ms Steward
i will be success this year by doing my homework and shoing my bears.when i go to coleg i want to go to forthsoth conty and i want to be a vetanrian
This year I what to be successful. and get all a and b follow my bears. And list to my teacher andhave fun doing it but not to much . the collete I want to go to is forsith tech.And when I grow up I want to be a vgejeteron and work for a good collete you know I can go on and on taking . about what I want to be when I grow up but I don't have time to see you on the blogg.I hope you comet and for you other poeple I hope you got your egecshon.
This year I will treat other people like I would want to be treated. I will make good grades I will do what my teacher tell's me to do.The college I want to go to is Fersifteck. The job I want is to be a M.B.A basketball player.
Ms.steward class
This year at school I will be sicsesful by listining to my teacher.I don't know what colleg I'll go tto but when I do I'll go to a good one.When I go to get a job I don't know what job I'll get but it wil be a good one'
I will be success this year by doing my homework and I will show my Bears this year in forth grade and I will be success by listin to my teacher I want to go to NC college and I want to be a famous basetball play
Ms steward
My goal for fifth grade is to do my homework correctly. I will follow all school rules and wear my unform from Monday through Friday. A college I would like to go to is Fresno State in California. I would love for me to be a lawyer.
This year in Bolton I want to be a succsesful student. I want to have all my work done and be have A's and B's. I will be respectful to my teacher and classmates and other adult's. I will do extra work. When I finished high school I want to go to college. The college that i will go to is Wake Foret University. After I finished college I want to be a Football player or a Basketball player. But if get injured I will be a Marine or a Doctor.
This year i want to be successful. I want to do all my assighnments without being tardy or late.I want to get the A B honer roll for all 4 quartors.I would like to go to college after high school if im to dum or my family doesnt have enough money i wont be able to.I want to go to navel acadamy. Then i want to become a U.S marine or a doctor
This year in fifth grade I want to be succesful by doing my best at math and reading.The college I would like to go is at WakeForest University.When I grow up i would like to be a teacher.
This year I what to be successful. and get all a and follow my bears at school and I will like to go to forsith tech and I wiil like to be a soccer player around the world and be famous and I like to a summran too when more money and have a big house
Mr Gilliam
My goal is to pass the EOG and make it to sixth grade.I will try my best while doing my work.I hope that I make it to my next grade and I want to go to forsyth tech.
When I grow up I want to be a Tae Kwon Do instructor.
at bolton i want to be an all a student and the college i would likie to go to is harvard and i want to be a professional girl soccer player if i do get injured in soccer i would like to be a vetnarian,doctor,or dentist,or football player
My goal is to listen to my teacher to everthing he say.I will pay more attion in class.my goal is try my best to get A's and B's.What college i will attend,Mabye Wake Forest University.My job when i grow up i will be a artist.Have a great year and DREAM BIG!!!!!!!
This year I want to be successful by following by bears.I can read 10 more minaets at night.The college I want to go to is Harverde because thats a higth class school.
I want to be a vet and ownon my own hoistital for animals.But first
i want to be a football player.
My goal this year is to try and get A's and B's this year and also try to be a role model this year for the younger students.The college I would like to go to is UCLA.when I grow up I want to be a football player and a navy seal
This year in fifth grade I want to be successful and finish my homework assignments. I want to do my best on the EOG's and pass with A's and B's on my report card. I want to go to Forsyth Tech for college. I want to be a professional car designer when I grow up.
ms. anderson
This year in fith grade my goal is to read forty different books and to get all A and B. My main goal is to learn alot of new things in the fith grade year. To make me sucsessful is to syudy realy hard and to learn and to be quiet when the teacher is talking. You have to ous your BEARS. You have to wear your uniform and to show pride in yourself. When I graguwate from Highschool I want to go to Oragan or NC State. I woud like to be a Football Star, Mariene Byiolagits, or a Navey Seal
"In fifth grade I'd like to get all the questions right on the EOG"."I want to attend Harved University"."Ones I graduate and get my college degree I'll try to be a company manager some place".
Mr.Gilliam's class
This year in fith grade I want to be successful by doing my work,do my best in everything,passing all off my EOG's ,listening to my teachers,and showing my BEARS every day. After High school I would like to go to Boston College. When I Grow up I want be a N.B.A basketball player and if i get hurt I want to be an arcyaligist.
Mr. Gilliam
This year I want to be successful.I will complete all projects and turn them in and work on them the best I can.I will use my BEARS throughout the year.I want to be a hairstylist or a teacher.I want to attend
Winston-Salem State University or Wake Forest University.
This year at Bolten I to have A's and B's at my class and 5th grade and a great student the callige West fouest and I want to be a taecher
This year at Bolton I will try my very best to get A's and B's this year. I will also try to do my best in school.The college I like to go to is WF or Virgina. I like to go in to the miltary or be a cop.
When i grow up i want to be succesful.when i grow up i want to go to miami college.And i want to pass my EOG.And get A;S on my report card.And never go to the office.When i grow up i im going to own my own beauty salon.
That is what i want to do
This year I want to be successful in forth grade.I want to make A and Bs and show my BEARS.I want to go to Forsyth teck college to get a good job. I when grow up I want to be a nerse because i want to help people if they are hurt and save lifes.I might go to bolton a be a teacher.that is how i wnt to be successful!!!!!!!!!!
I hope i have a good year at bolton because i want to be in 5th grade next year and i hope i pass the EOGin math and reading i want to goto collage at forthsth teach because my dad goes there when i grow up i want to be a cop so i can stop bad poeple from what there doing and stop them from killing poeple
mrs. gibbs
Im in fourth grade this year.My goal is to pass the eog this year.So i can go to fifh grade.And when i go to collige i wunt to go to wf univesity
This year at Bolton i am new.I am still trying to get to know peole.I want to go to the unerversity of UNC.When i I grow up I wiil want to be a fbi person or a NBA PLAYER.
This year in fith grade iv'e made good grades and I want to go to forsty teck uncsity. I would like to make a's and b's on my progress re-port.most of the time Iwould like to just make a's.On my test's I would like to show extra credit what I want to be when I grow up I want to be a pro-Basketball player.
This year i will try to make straight A's and follow all my bears and pass the EOG'S and make it to middle school high school i will go to parkland and then when i am 16 i will get a car go to orgon and become a football player then after four years of collage i will become a pro and be rich and live on a beach house after 25 years i will retire and become a hall of famer after that i will try to join the army.
This year I will try to make straight a's and b's and do all my homework and follow all my bears plus pass the EOG! I will work for a good college! When I grow up I will want to be a vet!
I am realy glade to be back at bolton Icant beleve I made it to fith grade. This year I realy want to be very successful in fith grade. I will be willing to do all my homework allways and turn it in allways. my goal to set is to get all A's and B's on evry single reprot card. I will pass my EOG and I know it
This year in fifth grade I will do my best.I'll do all my homework and do extra credit on my test. I'll get A's and B's on all of my test I get,and listen carefully to my teacher and write what I need write.So I can get ready for the EOG test. when I go to collge I want to go to chapel hill university. When I grow up I want to be in the swat team.
This year in 5th grade. I well try my hardest so i can pas. I well try to make all stright A's. I well also do alll my homework and all the projecs that Mr.cachia ask use to do in 5th grade. And when I grow up and I 16teen I am going to college. And when I get out of college im go to have a job and then im going to have my owen house and have 4 kids and then I going to change my job and become a police woman.
This year I will be succesfull. I will do all my homework and complete my tests, using my time wisely.The strategies I will use will be listening in class and copying my notes quickly and neatly.I also want to pass the EOG and get all A's!!!!My goal for the future will be going to college. The college I will go to will be Chapel Hill University.When I grow up I want to be a doctor.
missiThis year I will use all my strategies and get good grades. When I grow up I want to be a firefighter. My mom choose my scools.
Mr. Caichia
When i grow up the college i want to go to orgen and when i be susseful i want to play football to make alot of money.
I want to be super successful this year. I want to get an 4 or a 3 on my E.O.G. test. I want to go to a collage in mexico. what i want to be when i grow up is a soccer player if i get injured i will be a lawyer.
This year I want to get all A's on my report card this year.I would love to to winstn salem state like my other brothers and do my best there.I want to be a great Docter when I grow up.
i will try to get straight a's and i want to go to in winston salem state college and play sports
This year in fifth grade i wante to be very seccessful by geting good grades through the year.I want to go to focithytech and become a police officer.
This year in fifth grade i want to be successful and get all A's and B's on my report card. When i grow up i want to be a police
This year i want to try to get straight A's and follow my BEARS! The college I want to go to is Forsyth Tech just like my sister!
When I grow up I want to be a veternarian so I can work with animals!
This year I will be successful.I will get good grades and have an A+ adduite and show my bears.The collge that I would like to attend is an arts collge to be a singer and dacner. Sheila Mrs.Irobali
This year want to e successfull by following my bears and geting A's and B's on my report card. I want to go to forsyth tech. When i grow up i want to be scientest.
This year i wont to be succesful.i will treat others how i wont to be treated.I wont to get all A's and b's on my report card.i wont to finish and return all my class work homework or any other work on time.i wont to go to the school of ART's to be a better artist at drawing and i will go there to sing and dance.
I want to get good grades this year. so when i get to college I can go to collge forsyth tech i can grow up to a be doctor. I want to be a person that as a good job
This year i went to do my best on my test and i went to get "A" on every test i do. I went to be a doctor and i went to help people when they get sick i went to do my best when iam a doctor i went to do my best to help people when they are sick.
This year I will try to get straight a's and b's on every subject. I would like to attend to Harvard university,so I can become a teacher. I will also try to turn in homework and classwork on time
This year I am going to show all
of BEARS.I'm going to use all
my strategies. I would like to go to the Palomada School Of Fashon.I
want to be a desiner.
This year I will try to do my best.I will a football player for arburn.n Iwill go to forsyth tech univesity.
This year I am in fifth grade and I want to get an A and a B and I want to be successful in fifth grade.and I want to go to forsyth Tech.and I want to be cop.
This yaer i want to be a successful student. I will turn in my home work and i want to have a career. For my college i think i want to go to forsyth tche. I want to turn in my assments and i can do good in school and i can listen to my teacher and listen to my connection teacher.
Mrs. crider
I will be great this year and. I will try to get A's and B's and pass the EOG and EOQ . I want to go to WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY. I dont mind to go to FORSYHTECH. I want to be a enginer or a inventor. Also a teacher.
This year i will be successful by doing my home work and my class work.I will attend Wake Forest university.When i grow up i would like to be a cook.
This year I will success by turning in my homework I will also show my BEARS and being responsabile from all my stuff. The collete I want to be is wake forest. When I grow up I want to be a techer because I will need money for food,car cloths that's what I'll do if I had money.
by Felipe
This year i want to get staight A's and B's this year and i want tohave an successful Bolton Elementary my college is Tennesses state
I will get A's and B's in my report card to get my dream of being a teacher . I will also do all my homework,returnig all my work or asihgnments. I relly want to bo a teacher. I've always dreamed of beig a teacher sence I was little. The college I want to go to is Forsyth Tech. the college.
This yaer in forth grade im going to do all my homework and do all the stuff the teach give me .And i will be in wake forst.And when i gorw up i will be a policl men.
This year I will use a lot of strategies. One of the stratigies I will try to write neat and turn in my homework all the time. I want to go to ECU when I go to college.
I will like to make A and,B on my test and in of grade test.I will also do all my homework.
I will like to Forsyth High school.When I grow up I will like to be a vet.
I will get staight A's and B's on my report card also I will listen and follow directions. I wont to be a vet. beacause I love animals and I like to help animals if I get fired from that job I have a backup plan and I'am not going to tell you.The college I wont to go to is Winsten Slem state because everybody says it is a good college.Chiquiya Mrs.Crider.
Hi guys! Mrs. Swink here. I bet you did not know that teachers have goals and like to learn, too. This year I want to learn more Spanish and find ways to help those in my class who are just learning English. I also would like to make a final decision about what to learn next in college! (Yep, that is right...I want to go back to college and learn more!)
Mrs. Swink
Kindergarten Teacher at Bolton
I so enjoyed reading through all of the students comments from Bolton about their goals for this year and for the future. I know each and everyone of you can attain/reach your goals if you work your hardest and ask for help/guidance when you need it. Know that your teachers at Bolton are here to support you and help you achieve anything you set your mind to. Hard work and an A+ attitude can take you very far in life!! Thank you for sharing all of your hopes and dreams-never stop working hard.
Mrs. Irrobal-5th grade
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